
Computer Science Superheroes

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Larry Page

Larry Page

Birthdate- March 26, 1973

Major Academic Events- He recieved a Bachelor in computer engineering from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D in Computer Science from Stanford University. He also attended the Academy of Achievements and was named the CEO of the year by Forbes. He also recieved the Marconi Prize in 2004.

Contribution to Computer Science- His most biggest contribution to Computer Science was that he co-founded Google. Google was originally created for a research project known as PageRank but later became the foundation of the internet's most famous search engine, that mainly contributed to the way people access information online.


Elizabeth J. Feinler

Elizabeth Feinler

Birthdate- March 2, 1931

Major Academic Events- Elizabeth J. Feinler graduated from West Liberty University in 1954. She then went on to study bichemistry in Purdue University. She started her computer science career when she got a job at the Chemical Abstracts Service. She became intrigued by the challenges of making data compliations. She left biochemistry to pursue computer engineering. She joined the Stanford Reasearch institue and joined Dr. Douglas Engelbart's research center.

Contribution to Computer Science- Elizabeth J. Feinler made many big contribution to Computer Science. She was one of the first people to create and manage ARPANET, the defense Data Network (DDN) and then the Network Information Center (NIC). These networks are known as the forerunners of today's internet. Her group developed the first Yellow and White servers an the first Query based network hostname and adress (WHOIS) server. She was the people to come up with the main host naming registry for the internet and the naming of .com, .gov, .edu, .mil, .org, and .net.


Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson

Birthdate- August 26, 1918

Deathdate- February 24, 2020

Major Academic Events- She started high school when she was only 10 years old because she was always talented with numbers. When she turned 18 she graduated from West VirginiaS State College for a degree in mathematics and French. She pursued teaching for some time but then she heard about a job in a place now known as NASA.

Contribution to Computer Science- She was a mathematician at NASA who helped with the first Moon Landings. Her job was to be a human computer and calculate the different calculations need for spaceflight. Her biggest accomplishments was that she calculated the trajectory of the country's first human spaceflight in 1961. In 1969 she helped calulate the path of Neil Armstrong historic mission to the moon on Apollo 11. Lastly she helped figure out John Genn's orbit of the planet which was another first in America. She was known as one of the first human calculators.


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